Economics - McConnell Flynn - 19 edition. Chapter 33. Textbook solutions

33.1 What is the basic determinant of (a) the transactions demand and (b) the asset demand for money? Explain how these two demands can be combined graphically to determine total money demand. How is the equilibrium interest rate in the money market determined? Use a graph to show the effect of an increase in the total demand for money on the equilibrium interest rate (no change in money supply), Use your general knowledge of equilibrium prices to explain why the previous interest rate is no longer sustainable.
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33.2 What is the basic objective of monetary policy? What are the major strengths of monetary policy? Why is monetary policy easier to conduct than fiscal policy?
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33.3 Use commercial bank and Federal Reserve Bank balance sheets to demonstrate the effect of each of the following transactions on commercial bank reserves:a. Federal Reserve Banks purchase securities from banks.b. Commercial banks borrow from Federal Reserve Banks at the discount rate.c. The Fed reduces the reserve ratio.d. Commercial banks borrow from Federal Reserve Banks after winning an auction held as part of the term auction facility.
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33.4 Distinguish between the Federal funds rate and the prime interest rate. Why is one higher than the other? Why do changes in the two rates closely track one another?
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33.5 Why is a decrease in the supply of Federal funds shown as an upshift of the supply curve in Figure 33.3, whereas an increase in Federal funds is shown as a downshift of the supply curve?
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33.6 Suppose that you are a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The economy is experiencing a sharp rise in the inflation rate. What change in the Federal funds rate would you recommend? How would your recommended change get accomplished? What impact would the actions have on the lending ability of the banking system, the real interest rate, investment spending, aggregate demand, and inflation?
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33.7 Explain the links between changes in the nation's money supply, the interest rate, investment spending, aggregate demand, real GDP, and the price level.
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33.8 What do economists mean when they say that monetary policy can exhibit cyclical asymmetry? How does the idea of a liquidity trap relate to cyclical asymmetry? Why is this possibility of a liquidity trap significant to policymakers?
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33.9 LAST WORD What are the three main aggregate supply factors that determine a nation's potential (or full-employment) level of real output? What are the four main components of aggregate demand? Explain: "Aggregate supply factors determine a nation's potential GDP, whereas aggregate demand factors determine whether or not the nation achieves its full employment GDP." How does fiscal and monetary policy relate to aggregate demand?
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