Economics - McConnell Flynn - 19 edition. Chapter 25. Textbook solutions

25.1 How is economic growth measured? Why is economic growth important? Why could the difference between a 2.5 percent and a 3 percent annual growth rate be of great significance over several decades?
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25.2 When and where did modern economic growth first happen? What are the major institutional factors that form the foundation for modern economic growth? What do they have in common?
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25.3 Why are some countries today much poorer than other countries? Are today's poor countries destined to always be poorer than today's rich countries? If so, explain why. If not explain how today's poor countries can catch or even pass today's rich countries.
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25.4 What are the four supply factors of economic growth? What is the demand factor? What is the efficiency factor? Illustrate these factors in terms of the production possibilities curve.
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25.5 Suppose that Alpha and Omega have identically sized working-age populations but that total annual hours of work are much greater in Alpha than in Omega. Provide two possible reasons for this difference.
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25.6 What is growth accounting? To what extent have increases in U.S. real GDP resulted from more labor inputs? From greater labor productivity? Rearrange the following contributors to the growth of productivity in order of their quantitative importance: economies of scale, quantity  capital, improved resource allocation, education and training, and technological advance.
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25.7 True or false? If false, explain why.a. Technological advance, which to date has played a relatively small role in U.S. economic growth, is destined to play a more important role in the future.b. Many public capital goods are complementary to private capital goods.c. Immigration has slowed economic growth in the United States.
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25.8 Explain why there is such a close relationship between changes in a nation's rate of productivity growth and  changes in its average real hourly wage.
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25.9 Relate each of the following to the recent increase in the trend rate of productivity growth:a. Information technology.b. Increasing returns.c. Network effects.d. Global competition.
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25.10 What, if any, are the benefits and costs of economic growth, particularly as measured by real GDP per capita?
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25.11 LAST WORD Based on the information in this chapter, contrast the economic growth rates of the United States and China over the last 25 years. How does the real GDP per capita of China compare with that if the United States? Why is there such a huge disparity of per capita income between China’s coastal cities and its interior regions?
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