Economics - McConnell Flynn - 19 edition. Chapter 3. Textbook solutions

3.1 Explain the law of demand. Why does a demand curve slope downward? How is a market demand curve derived from individual demand curves? LO1
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3.2 What are the determinants of demand? What happens to the demand curve when any of these determinants change? Distinguish between a change in demand and a movement along a fixed demand curve, noting the cause(s) of each. LO1
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3.3 What effect will each of the following have on the demand. for small automobiles such as the Mini-Cooper and Smart car? LO1a. Small automobiles become more fashionable.b. The price of large automobiles rises (with the price of small autos remaining the same).c. Income declines and small autos are an inferior good.d. Consumers anticipate that the price of small autos will greatly come down in the near future.e. The price of gasoline substantially drops.
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3.4 Explain the law of supply. Why does the supply curve slope upward? How is the market supply curve derived from the supply curves of individual producers? LO2
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3.5 What are the determinants of supply? What happens to the supply curve when any of these determinants changes? Distinguish between a change in supply and a change in the quantity supplied, noting the cause(s) of each. LO2
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3.6 What effect will each of the following have on the supply of auto tires? LO2a. A technological advance in the methods of producing tires.b. A decline in the number of firms in the tire industry.c. An increase in the prices of rubber used in the production of tires.d. The expectation that the equilibrium price of auto tires will be lower in the future than currently.e. A decline in the price of the large tires used for semi trucks and earth-hauling rigs (with no change in the price of auto tires).f. The levying of a per-unit tax on each auto tire sold.g. The granting of a 50-cent-per-unit subsidy for each auto tire produced.
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3.7 “In the corn market, demand often exceeds supply and supply sometimes exceeds demand.” “The price of corn rises and falls in response to changes in supply and demand.” In which of these two statements are the terms “supply” and “demand” used correctly? Explain. LO2
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3.8 In 2001 an outbreak of hoof-and-mouth disease in Europe led to the burning of millions of cattle carcasses. What impact do you think this had on the supply of cattle hides, hide prices, the supply of leather goods, and the price of leather goods? LO4
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3.9 Critically evaluate: “In comparing the two equilibrium positions in Figure 3.7b , I note that a smaller amount is actually demanded at a lower price. This refutes the law of demand.” LO4 Reference Figure 3.7b ...
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3.10 For each stock in the stock market, the number of shares sold daily equals the number of shares purchased. That is, the quantity of each firm’s shares demanded equals the quantity supplied. So, if this equality always occurs, why do the prices of stock shares ever change? LO4
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3.11 Suppose the total demand for wheat and the total supply of wheat per month in the Kansas City grain market are as shown in the table below. Suppose that the government establishes a price ceiling of $3.70 for wheat. What might prompt the government to establish this price ceiling? Explain carefully the main effects. Demonstrate your answer graphically. Next, suppose that the government establishes a price floor of $4.60 for wheat. What will be the main effects of this price floor? Demonstrate your answer graphically. LO5...
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3.12 What do economists mean when they say “price floors and ceilings stifle the rationing function of prices and distort resource allocation”? LO5
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3.13 LAST WORD In some countries, such as France, every corpse; is available for doctors to “harvest” for organs unless the deceased, while still alive, signed a form forbidding the organs to be harvested. In the USA,it is the opposite:No harvesting is allowed unless the deceased had signed,while still alive, an organ,donor form authorizing dectors to harvest any needed organs. Use supply and demand figures to show in which country organ shortages are likely to be less severe.
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