Economics - McConnell Flynn - 19 edition. Chapter 5. Textbook solutions

5.1 Explain the two causes of market failures. Given their definitions, could a market be affected by both types of market failures simultaneously? LO1
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5.2 Draw a supply and demand graph and identify the areas of consumer surplus and producer surplus. Given the demand curve what impact will an increase in supply have on the amount of consumer surplus shown in your diagram? Explain why. LO2
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5.3 Use the ideas of consumer surplus and producer surplus to explain why economists say competitive markets are efficient. Why are below- or above-equilibrium levels of output inefficient, according to these two sets of ideas? LO2
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5.4 What arc the two characteristics of public goods? Expla in the significance of each for public provision as opposed to private provision. What is the free-rider as it relates to public goods? Is U.S. border patrol a public good or a private good? Why? How about satellite TV? Explain. LO3
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5.5 Draw, production possibilities curve with public goods on the vertical axis and private goods on the horizontal axis. Assuming the economy is initially operating on thecurve, indicate how the production of public goods might be increased. How might the output of public goods be increased if the economy is initially operating at a point inside the curve? LO3
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5.6 Use the distinction between the characteristics of private and public goods to determine whether the following should be produced through the market system or provided by government: (a) French fries, (b) airport screening, (c)court systems. (d) mail delive ry, and (c) medical care. State why you answered as you did in each case. LO3
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5.7 What divergences arise between equilibrium output and efficient output when (a) negative externalities and (b) positive externalities are present? How might government correct these divergences? Cite an example (other than the text examples) of an external cost and an external benefit. LO4
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5.8 Why are spillover costs and spillover benefits also called negative and positive externalities? Show graphically how a tax can correct for a negative externality and how a subsidy to producers can correct for a positive externality.How does a subsidy to consumers differ from a subsidy to producers in correcting for a positive externality? LO4
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5.9 An apple grower’s orchard provides nectar to a neighbor’s bees, while the beekeeper’s bees help the apple grower by pollinating his apple blossoms. Use Figure 5.6b to explain. why this situation of dual positive externalitics might to lead an under allocation of resources to both apple growing and beekeepimg How might this underal location get resolved via the means suggested by the Coase theorem? LO4
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5.10 The LoJack car recovery stem allows the police to track stolen cars. As a result, they not only recover 90 percent of Lojack-equipped cars thatnot stolen but also arrest many auto thieves and shut down many “chop shops” that take apart stolen vehicles to get at their used parts. Thus. LoJack provides both private benefits and positive externalities, Should the government consider  subsidizing LoJack purchases? LO4
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5.11 Explain the following statement, using the MB curve in Figure 5.9 to illustrate: “The optimal amount of pollution abatement for some substances, say, dirty water from storm drains, is very low; the optimal amount of abatement for other substances, say, cyanide poison, is close to 100 percent.” LO5 Reference Figure 5.9 ...
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5.12 Explain why zoning laws, which allow certain land uses only in specific locations, might be justified in dealing with a problem of negative externalities. Explain why in areas where buildings sit close together tax breaks to property owners for installing extra fire prevention equipment might be justified in view of positive externalities. Explain why excise taxes on beer might be justified in dealing with a problem of external costs. LO5
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5.13 LAST WORD Distinguish between a carbon-tax and a cap-and-trade strategy for reducing carbon dioxide and other so-called greenhouse gases (that are believed by many scientists to be causing global warming). which of the two strategies do you think would have the most political support in an election in your home state? Explain your thinking.
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